Journeys Psychology Wickham Terrace | Brisbane Psychologist and Psychotherapist | Brisbane City Psychologist |

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Surviving The Festive Season

The end of year festive season can be highly stressful. We often have expectations of having things go the way we want them to and our fantasy of what this time of year should be like can easily take over. It is very hard when we seem to have so much to do and so little time to do it in. In addition, dealing with the needs and demands of others (particularly family members) can leave us feeling overwhelmed. In the video below psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, Dr Chris Heath talks about this time of year and how to survive it. The big take-home lesson is to be gentle with yourself and don't get caught up too much in the fantasy of how perfect it all has to be. Try to relax and set appropriate boundaries with family members and others, you are not responsible for their happiness, but you can still be good company. This is my last post for 2017. All the best for the festive season and see you next year in 2018.