Long Term Effects of Child Neglect.

Years ago I worked as a therapist with abused and neglected children. Often these children had experienced some of the worst abuse and neglect imaginable. Quite often people focus on the psychological impact of children traumatised by abuse and we as therapists often see adults who have experienced horrible abuse. Childhood abuse can have significant implications for later functioning as adults. This abuse can affect relationships and general psychological functioning and there is now evidence that this can also have consequences for physical health as well, with adults who were abused as children having a higher likelihood of developing a range of chronic physical health conditions. What many people often don't consider is the impact of long-term childhood neglect and its impact on later adult functioning. People who were neglected as children are also highly susceptible to developing psychological disorders as adults and of having chronic difficulties with self-worth and getting their needs met in relationships. Many times people who were neglected as children struggle with feeling worthy as people. The following article from Psychology Today touches on some of the issues faced by people who were neglected as children and how this also has implications for later brain development. If you experienced serious neglect as a child, remember that it is still possible to find your worth in the world.  To read the article just click the link below. 

The Long-Term Effects of A Childhood of Neglect